PM Vani Scheme
PM Vani Scheme

The present time is a time of digitalization. Means everything happens digitally. And the internet is needed for running this digital world. And this internet depends on the data or wi-fi for working. The Digital India scheme was started for increasing the work done by digitally.

Just like this now this PM Vani yojana is started for making the internet easily accessible. Under this scheme, the government provides free wi-fi to the citizens. The full name of the PM Vani scheme is Prime Minister Wi-Fi internet access network interface.

Official information of the PM Vani Scheme

Scheme Name PM Vani Scheme
Starting date9th December 2020
Operated byCentral government
TargetProvide wi-fi to every person in the country
BeneficiariesCountry’s every citizen

PM Vani Scheme 2025

PM Vani Scheme started a new revolution in the country, and this new revolution is the Wi-Fi revolution. Because in this government will provide the facility of free wi-fi to everyone and this will make it very easy to use and access new technology. This is implemented in the entire nation.

This scheme is working in the three units and the information of these three units will be given to you later in this article. With this, there is no need to pay fees or give registration fees to use the wi-fi under this scheme.

Three units of the PM Vani Scheme

These three units are very important for the implementation or you can say to run this scheme. The first of them is PDO.

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  • PDO’s full name is the public data office. Its work is to establish the wi-fi access point of the PM Vani yojana. With this taking care of them and their operating responsibility is its. So that customers will easily get broadband services.
  • PDOA’s full name is the public data office aggregator. Its work is to see the work related to accounting and authorization.
  • The third one is the app provider. Its work is to make an app that will help people to register and let them access the wi-fi of the PM Vani yojana.

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These are the three units that will run the PM Vani yojana but here is another one apart from them. And this one is called the central registry. Its work is to manage all the information of the PDO, PDOA, and central registry.

The reason behind the start of the PM Vani Scheme

There are many reasons for starting this scheme. But its main aim is to provide the facility of the wi-fi in every public place. So that every person in the country can make it to the internet.

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With this making internet available anytime for necessary things. This scheme will affect every group may it be a businessman or a student or it may be a farmer or a common man.

The benefit of the PM Vani Scheme

  • ThroughPM Vani Scheme government will provide wi-fi to every public place of the country. So that common man can get internet easily away from home.
  • Through this scheme, those peoples will also use the internet which are away from it because of financial reasons or lack of infrastructure for it.
  • This scheme will generate nearly 2 crore chances of employment and business.
  • Because of this scheme internet can be stable in rural areas. Here the meaning of the stable is permanent.
  • Digitalization is getting encouragement in the country and this scheme can help in it.

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How to use wi-fi under the PM Vani Scheme

The wi-fi which you will get under the PM Vani yojana is absolutely free you do not need to pay fees for it or registration charge. Under this, you can directly use public wi-fi. For this, you just have to do an eKYC for authentication. After this, you can easily access the wi-fi of the PM Vani yojana.

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This type of schemes proves that time will not stop for anyone. Because a few years before no one can think of that one day internet can be so necessary for us that we would not able to do our daily works without it.
This type of scheme force us to think about the future. Because if we do not do this then we will many miles behind the rest world.

And now some questions at the end

Is PM Vani Scheme will be implemented in some selected regions or the whole country?
PM Vani yojana will be implemented in the whole country.

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Is I have to pay fees for the wi-fi under this scheme?
No, this is absolutely free for everyone.

Do we have to register for using the wi-fi in this scheme?
No, you need to do just an eKYC for using the wi-fi in it.

This article ends here if you like it then share it and if you have some suggestions for us then you can simply comment us.

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