Ghar Tak fiber scheme
Ghar Tak fiber scheme

In the present time when everything is done digitally or online. So after this situation, there always is a fear of villages to be left behind. And this is the reason for starting a scheme for it, and its name is Ghar tak fiber. This article will give you all information about it so read it till the end.

Ghar Tak Fiber Scheme 2025

The Internet has become a basic and necessary thing in today’s world. Many of the works are impossible to be completed without it. In cities, it is very easily available but in rural areas, it’s quite difficult to find a single wifi connection. That’s why this scheme was started in Bihar.

Under this scheme villages of the whole Bihar state will be connected through optical fibers for internet connectivity. By the way, Bihar’s image is of an underdeveloped state in the country. Which maybe change after this Ghar tak fiber scheme.

Name of the schemeGhar tak fiber Scheme
Date of starting21 September 2020
Started byPrime minister
Operated byCentral and the Bihar state government
BeneficiariesPeoples of the rural areas of Bihar
MinistryInformation technology and electronics

Was Bihar needed this Scheme 2025?

In answer to this, we are presenting some statistics in front of you after then you will easily understand if Bihar needed this scheme or not? According to a report of TRAI, the average internet connectivity in Bihar is only 30.35%.

Which is money lower than the country’s average internet connectivity which is 55%. In Bihar, only 22.61% of people from rural areas are connected to the internet. While the other state of India Kerala has 98.10% of people from rural areas connected to the internet.

Exactly like this only 73.26% of the population of urban areas have internet connectivity. While in the country’s other states this rate is nearly 90%. Hope that these statistics are sufficient enough to give you your answer.

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Gains from Ghar tak fiber Scheme 2025?

  • The first benefit of this is that after easily accessible internet villages can make developed very quickly.
  • After internet broadband connectivity facilities like e-commerce, e-learning platforms, and online banking are easily available in rural areas.
  • After internet connectivity, online trading will be very easy for farmers and small and new businessmen from rural areas.
  • Education standards will increase in villages after easily available internet.
  • After easily available internet connection villages will connect in a better and quick way with the rest of the world.

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Ghar tak fiber scheme shows the seriousness of government about the digitalization of the country. This is quite right because in this era of the internet when everything happens online and depends on the internet.

So it is quite an intelligent step to connect villages with the internet because real India lives in villages. And the aim of this scheme is to link every Indian standing last in the row to coordinate with modern technology.

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What are the gains for the villagers from the Ghar tak fiber scheme?

First of all, the internet will be available in villages, and the benefits of the internet and all kinds of online facilities will be now available in villages. And this will fasten the development of the village.

How will the villages be connected to high-speed internet under Ghar Tak Fiber Scheme ?

It is clear from the name of the Fiber scheme that villages will be connected to high-speed internet through the optical fiber.

The Fiber scheme till home was started by the Prime Minister, so is this scheme applicable in other states besides Bihar?

No, this is not the case, this scheme is still implemented only in Bihar.
This article ends here, if you liked it then please share it and if you have suggestions or complaints, then comment and tell us.

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