Godhan Nyay Scheme
Godhan Nyay Scheme

In the case of cattle, India is the first country in the world. Means India has the largest population of cattle in the world. And the biggest ratio in this population is of the cows, buffaloes, and goats means milking animals. But these animals are mainly kept for their milk and meat.

However habitually their masters underestimate their cattle’s one more useful product especially of cow and buffaloes, and this useful product is their dung.

Most of the cattle breeders and farmers know about it but still, they do not utilize it. This can be their one more source of income. After paying attention to this, the Chhattisgarh government started the Godhan Nyay yojana. So that cattle breeders would get another income source with this their cattle’s dung also can be utilized.

Official information of Godhan Nyay Scheme 2025

Scheme NameGodhan Nyay Scheme
Starting date20 July 2020
Operating stateChhattisgarh
AimsGiving cattle breeders extra source of income
BeneficiariesCattle breeders of the state

Godhan Nyay Scheme 2025

Godhan Nyay scheme is the first of its kind in the country. This scheme was started by the chief minister of the state Mr. Bhupesh Bhagel on the 20th of July 2020. After the implementation of this scheme, Chhattisgarh will be the first state in the country to buy cow dung.

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Under this scheme government will buy the dung at the rate of rupees 2 per kilogram. The state government will make the varmi compost from the bought dung. Godhan committee created under this scheme or a group named by this committee will collect dung from door to door.

How to apply for the benefit in the Godhan Nyay Scheme ?

For taking benefit of the godhan Nyay yojana you have to apply online. For applying to this scheme you can go to your nearest customer service point. Required documents for applying to the scheme are given below.

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Eligibility criteria for applying in the Godhan Nyay Scheme

State governments conditions for applying in the scheme are below

  • For taking the benefit of this scheme one has to be a permanent resident of the Chhattisgarh.
  • Only cattle breeders of the state can take the advantage of this scheme.
  • Big landlords or businessmen cannot be a part of this scheme due to their prosperity.

Necessary documents for applying in Godhan Nyay Scheme

  • Passport size photo of the applicant.
  • Aadhar card
  • Residential certificate
  • Mobile number
  • All cattle related information

The purpose behind the implementation of the Godhan Nyay Scheme

Everyone is well aware that the income of cattle rearers is not much special. Due to which they are not able to give good feed to the animals, some leave the animals to roam the streets, when they are not able to provide milk. Due to this, cow dung is lying on the streets in cities and villages and spreads dirt.

To tackle this problem, the Chhattisgarh government started this scheme. So that the cattlemen will not let these animals stray as they become a source of income and if the dung is collected due to the sale of cow dung, then the roads will not be dirty.

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Benefits of Godhan Nyay Scheme

  • After the encouragement given from this scheme cattle breeding will start for business purposes in the state.
  • On-road accidents with animals and accidents because of the animals will be minimized after this.
  • Dirt on the roads because of the dung will not be anymore.
  • Varmi compost will be made from the collected dung, this will give a big boost to organic farming in the state.

Use of the bought dung in the godhan scheme

What will be done with bought dung we told you about above in this article. But what will be done with the varmi compost made from the collected dung, let’s tell you? The government will make varmi compost from the collected dung.

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Which will be sold through the cooperative society. Which will complete the needs of fertilizers of farmers, forestry, botany, and the city administrative departments. This compost will be sold at the rate of rupees 10 per kilogram.

Godhan Nyay Scheme is the first scheme of its kind. But drew everyone’s attention to that point which was ignored by everyone. The work which is taking place in the Chhatisgarh should be done in the entire country.

Because if fertilizers made of dung will be used for farming then use of the chemical-based fertilizers maybe ended not but we will see a fall in it. From this, that extra amount will be saved which is used for buying these fertilizers which are harmful to our health too.

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Is Godhan Nyay Scheme implemented in the whole country ?
No, this scheme is implemented only in Chattisgarh.
For which rate dung will be bought in this scheme ?
In this scheme, dung will be bought by the state government at the rate of rupees 2 per kilogram.
What will the government do with the bought dung ?
The government will make compost from the bought dung and sell it.
Can anyone join this scheme?
No, this scheme is only for the cattle breeders of the Chhattisgarh state.

Also Read :- Deen Dayal Upadhyaya gram jyoti yojana

This is the end of this article hope you enjoyed reading it if you liked it then share this article and if you have got suggestions for us then comment us without any hesitation.

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